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Susan Marr

Group Work

    Groups may have a specific task in mind, a common interest or may simply have as its purpose the personal development of the individual members. Group work may be standalone or can complement individual work. Groups may be made up of discrete team members or… Read More »Group Work


      Supervision work can be of individuals or groups in all helping professions, including coaching and counselling. Often it is a professional requirement to have a supervisor but this should not be seen as the only reason to request supervision. Working with a supervisor is not… Read More »Supervision


        Ea duis simul epicurei duo. Doming detraxit vis in. Volumus omittantur his ne. No eos prima oporteat, theophrastus delicatissimi est ei. Sea id vidit novum accusata. Usu ei minim nostrum hendrerit, pri at vero prodesset incorrupte. Vis vide altera moderatius no, graecis lucilius et mei.… Read More »Mentoring


          Coaching support can range from very specific task work – short term with a clear purpose and goal – to helping someone break down a much bigger issue and subsequently working through the various sub issues. Often this is work related but not necessarily so.… Read More »Coaching

          Individual Counselling

            Counselling "Front Room" with armchairs

            Working one to one offers an opportunity to have your own space to explore issues which are causing you difficulty or distress. Individual counselling offers you this space to speak with someone independent of the circumstances and experiences which are impacting you. This allows a… Read More »Individual Counselling